Thursday, September 17, 2015

World's OKayest Mom

I recently bought a T-Shirt that I love.  It's heather grey, looks perfect with my signature jeans, flip-flops and pony tail and reads in big, bold, block, black letters "World's Okayest Mom."  I get a lot of compliments on it.  "Cute Shirt."  "Holy Crap! Where did you get that? I need one!" Etc. Etc. Etc. To which I usually reply sarcastically (also part of my signature look) "Yeah.  I'm just keeping it real."

But here's the thing...I really AM just keeping it real.  I'm not trying to "out-mom" you.  I'm not here to debate about vaccines or circumcision or CIO versus Attachment Parenting.  I'm not here to pass judgement on you because your four-year-old uses a pacifier and refuses to learn to go on the potty. And honestly, if you co-sleep (which we still do), that's your choice.  

You're doing extended breastfeeding?  Awesome!  You're formula feeding?  Great!  You went back to work and your partner is with your baby? Fantastic!  You can't bear the thought of a weekend without your little?  Delightful!  Is your kid happy?  Good.  That's all that matters.  Really.  Truly and honestly.  

Ladies (and some gents).  I don't get it.  It's hard enough out there already for us.  We have legislators (the majority of whom lack a vagina) making decisions about our personal health concerns and choices.  We live in a country where just now, who you choose to marry does not rely solely on their genitalia (and that fight is still happening despite recent strides).  We live in a world where in some places, if a girl dares to go to school, she may get shot.  The last thing we need to be doing is bringing each other down along the way.

I live by a very specific mantra.  I don't care what color you are, what God you pray to, what your political outlook is, who you sleep with or where you graduated from.  If you treat me and everyone else with kindness, respect and love, let's be friends.  

So here's an idea.  I challenge all of you out there, regardless if you are a parent or not, make this the best final quarter of the year ever.  Practice random acts of kindness. Everyday.  Open your mind to the possibility that a different opinion isn't incorrect, just different.   Open doors.  Choose to breathe instead of yell.  Choose love over confrontation.  Go the extra mile.  Support each other.  Point out good work instead of pointing out blame.  Speak the truth and silence the gossip.  Include new people into your circle.  See how quickly your lives change.  

And to you, my fellow moms and dads, I challenge you to be the person your kid thinks you are.  Stop whispering about other parents and children.  Stop comparing your life to everyone else.  Put away your own soap box and pedestal.  Put on your cape.  Jump in puddles, be a bit more patient, laugh more and worry about the spills later.  It's just a don't miss it.

Until Soon,

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